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Over the MOon

15 juin 2013

DIY Little House Blocks.


Today,un petit DIY "trop fass' " comme diraient mes enfants !! ( trop facile pour les moins au courant ;)) qui ne nécessite qu'un vieu reste de tasseau, de l'huile de coude (le papier à poncer qui va avec) et un peu de peinture acrylique de votre choix :)...une scie sauteuse (ou pas) aussi, accessoirement ;)

Je ne vous fait pas l'affront de vous écrire le pas à pas, les images parlent d'elles même...

Angelino les adore, il les a intégrées à son circuit de train en bois et moi ben du coup, pour la déco, j'ai plus qu'à m'en refaire une tournée ;D

Idée & inspiration : Julep, et Chigo Playthings







Et voilà!!

Et vous,vous aimez?

Qu'est ce que vous avez fait de beau cette semaine?

Bientôt les vacances, courage!!

En attendant,des bisoussss et bon week end, ici c'est peinture dans le couloir d'entrée en ce moment, je devrais pouvoir vous en reparler en image très bientôt...


See ya!!


2 juin 2013

Summer Crush,Scandinavian Strawberry Shortcake.


Strawberries cake





Hi there!!

How are you all?!

Have you stepped into summer yet?!

I did :)

The sun is not really shining,or let's say the weather is seriously crappy sad,

so we'd better put a touch of color,at least, in our meals ;)


I pinned this cake a few days ago, and fell in love with what I saw.

Those little strawberry hearts, crispy white whipped cream, oatmeals in the process...that was for me!!

I gave it a go last sunday, for mother's day, and it was a great success.


I won't re-write you the recipe here, Anu did it perfect, go check it out and give it a try!!

I will tell you why I loved this cake, though, for you to have a better idea.

First, it's easy peasy.You can't fail it.Seriously.Can't.Can not.

Easy baking for the sponge cake ; cut it in two pieces; put whipped cream onto the first piece; put strawberries (cut top of them in a V shape to make hearts) onto whipped cream, put second piece of cake onto strawberries.


You're done, and have a charming little cake, perfect for summer, and that would totally make it for a neighbourhood party, even for a Birthday cake!

I have to tell, you'll need to take your gentle time to assemble it nicely, but it doesn't have to be too perfect to have a nice charming look, so...Easy Peasy again.

I stored it in the fridge for kinda three hours before we ate it and it was almost perfect.

Absolutely yummy.Fresh and yummy.Perfect.Summer.Cake.

The only thing I'll change/flip, is that I would soak the sponge cake, just a bit, with some strawberry syrup, for a smoothy effect,but it was very good as it was too.

Last but not least,the thing I love the most, is it's look.

It's a beautiful cake,that you can totally make even if you never baked before.

I wouldn't be ashamed to show case it at school for the end of the year for exemple ;)

Some times, you got a perfect recipe but the cake doesn't show so nicely in the end, even if tastes heaven.

This one tastes heaven, AND can totally SHOW CASE friends!!


 A big thank's to Anu from Nalle's House for sharing such a great recipe, and don't be shy, go check out her blog for more details about this sweety ;)

Have a lovely sunday!


See ya!!


15 mai 2013

The Neon Bag: Mommy and Me Edition.

Neon bags



Neon trend has hit me, I guess ;)

A big thank you to ERNEST est Céleste for the sweet "how to" and pattern.

Much Love to ya'll <3


See ya!!


4 avril 2013

A Bear and an App.



Hey there!! It's been a while!!!

I know, it's my fault...I took a break from the internet ;)

The thing is that I had to reduce Mattéo's (my oldest son) computer shedules last month, due to some pretty bad marks at school...

To show the example, and because I needed it, really,I decided I'd took a break as well ;)

And here you have the all shebang :D So now, back to what I wanted to tell you about ;)


This gorgeous little bear :) 

You may (or may not, after all) remember that I had done two of them previously, I even called them Superted (both of them, yep, I'm that weird :D) because of one of my favorite tv program when I was a little girl.

I wanted to make one more, for a very special person's birthday, so did I!

It's made with a Tilda pattern, Tilda fabrics and a touch of Liberty.

He is wearing a knitted cap (with a pompom :)) and a knitted scarf, because it's been very cold out there lastly, isn't it?!

And because it was for a birthday, he had to be delivering a present and a letter.

I know, you get it now, I HAD to use my "World's smallest Post Service", the one I purchased last year and didn't really know what I'd be doing with, huh!!


Sooooo...did I ;)

And that's not all!! You know what?

Because it would have been senseless to deliver an empty tiny box, the box was filled with a teeny tiny little bear.

Oh!The love!

This tiny bear was made with a Gingermelon pattern, my very first Gingermelon creature for the moment, little Tedward.

I so love her work, she's a fairy.

Little Tedward normally goes with Bunnycup :) I'll make her very soon for my daughter, she asked for her, who would not?! :)


I had so much fun doing it, seriously, too cute <3

The pattern is tiny, but I reduced it for Tedward to fit in the box, not to mention this is a TINY creature!!!

Have a look, please !!












I so love him!! What do you think?!

Would you like to see him "alive" ? 

I can do it for ya... Yep!!

I tried this iPad App called iMotion HD, and what can I say? I.LOVE.IT!!

It's so much fun!!!

Here is my little Tedward opening his gift and saying bye-bye to you sweet friends :)



Et voilà :) 

I wouldn't want to leave without sending a HUGE thank you to you all,you really deserve it my lovelies, for that when I was taking my break, you were partying on here, without me, entertaining some life on the Blog, and for that, I couldn't thank you enough.

What a blessing to have you here, every day, even when I'm not around here, what a blessing when I discovered this morning that Colombia was following the Blog, many of you actually follow *Over the MOon*,Colombian friends and it's very new to me :)

Welcome Colombia, I love you too :) <3

You, lovely bunch, rock my socks!!

Thank you for the love, I'll keep it forever ;)

Well now, I guess I have to tell bye-bye as well!!

Much Love <3


See ya!!


25 février 2013

A dream coming true.


Au mois de novembre, Manu a.k.a Mister *Over the MOon* avait eu l'opportunité d'exposer ses tableaux dans un petit resto Parisien, Au chat qui pêche.

Vous vous souvenez je vous en avais parlé ici.

Une seconde exposition était prévue en Janvier 2013, ceci dit, et dont la date a dû être repoussée, la faute à pas le temps, la faute à Noë suis super fière et très heureuse de vous annoncer que ça y est, on y est!!!


Affiche DBCM


Il exposera donc une quinzaine de toiles, au Bob Cool, un bar à coktails tout près de la place Saint-Michel, du mercredi 6 mars au mercredi 3 avril 2013, 13 rue des Grands Augustins à Paris (métro Saint-Michel ou Odéon).

C'est un quartier d'Art, on est donc top au niveau de l'endroit, du quartier et tout,ça c'est génial, franchement, on en revient pas !

C'est un petit établissement qui ne paye pas de mine de l'exterieur, mais très sympa, hyper animé et toujours bondé!!

Déjà, ça commence bien, "pourvu qu'ça dure!" comme dirait quelqu'un que je connais ;)




Une soirée de vernissage est prévue, le mercredi 6 mars 2013 à partir de 19h00,c'est à dire dans une petite dizaine de jours; alors si vous êtes libres, que vous cherchez un endroit cool et animé pour sortir boire un verre un mercredi soir, si vous habitez Paris, si vous aimez l'Art en général,les toiles de Manu en particulier ou tout ça en même temps,n'hésitez pas à y aller faire un tour mes loulous,je vous promets pas le grand soir, mais yaura à manger et à boire ;D Haha... et des tableaux à voir :)

Je ne vous cache pas que c'est un mini évènement pour nous quand même,ce sont ses rêves qui se réalisent, très vite, c'est vrai, et c'est un peu effrayant, dans un sens, mais pour être honnête avec vous, je ne pourrais pas être plus fière de lui

Les 10 derniers jours vont être bien roots quand même, tout n'est pas prêt, on ne change pas un équipe qui gagne, mais on est pas mal quand même, on sera OP dans les temps ;)

Par exemple toutes les toiles ne sont pas encore photographiées, je ne peux donc pas vous poster de visuels, mais ça contribue au mystère,et puis ça ferait trop de photos surtout, il faudra y aller si vous voulez voir ce qu'il en est :)

 Et vous? Votre week end? Bien ou quoi??

Qu'est ce que vous avez fait de beau d'un temps pareil?!

Dites-moi tout je suis curieuse, et j'aimerais beaucoup en apprendre un peu plus sur soyez pas timides, je vous vois dans mes stats, les habitués d'ici, n'hésitez pas à vous présenter dans les coms,et vous aussi les petits nouveaux, les derniers arrivés, je vous vois ;)

D'ailleurs je souhaite la bienvenue à mes deux lecteurs Equatoriens, j'adore l'Equateur, un pays que je voudrais visiter, loin devant beaucoup d'autres, alors ça me dépayse de vous voir là, et ça m'enchante, même voyez vous :D Des gros bisoussss à mes lecteurs Australiens aussi,de plus en plus nombreux, et je n'oublie pas tous les autres,mes fans des Etats Unis, toujours plus nombreux également,ma poignée de copains Brésiliens, mon ami(e) Russe,la Tunisie et l'Algérie et tous les autres,bref, comment vous dire que vous me faites voyager depuis le derrière de mon écran?! ;) Vous êtes en or massif :D

Much, much love flying from me to you all <3


Have you all a great monday my sweet friends!!!


See ya!!!


11 février 2013

So British <3



Coucou ;)

Bon, c'est lundi, c'est toujours difficile le début de semaine, alors je vous ai préparé quelque chose qui réchauffe le coeur et l'esprit,un bon petit déj' ;)

Naaaan, bon d'accord, vous vous souvenez que j'ai fait un grand ménage de printemps, je vous en rebat assez les oreilles :), et bien à cette occasion, je suis retombée sur du lavandin que j'avais cueilli chez ma maman pour faire des sachets de lavande, et que j'avais mis de côté sans me souvenir de quel côté :D

Du coup, comme j'avais aussi rangé toutes mes armoires, je me suis dit que c'était le moment de faire d'une pierre deux coups, vider un peu de bazar et faire mes sachets de lavande.

Donc voilà...c'est après que l'idée des sachets de thé m'est venue.

Vous n'avez pas la berlue mes loulous, l'idée est de moi, yeah! C'est rare, donc je souligne, c'est le jeu ma pauv' Lucette ;)

Ils sont en lin blanc,déhoussables (lol) c'est à dire qu'on peut changer le sachet de lavande lorsqu'il est trop vieux, ou l'enlever afin de laver le sachet de thé.

Pour les petits carrés au bout des ficelles, j'ai utilisé du Liberty of course, du Betsy turquoise, du Capel Turquoise, et de la batiste grise étoilée de France Duval Stalla.

Des sachets de thé, du Liberty...So British!! Love it <3 ;)

Je vous laisse avec les photos,des gros bisousss et bonne soirée.

Take gentle care <3 :)


See ya!!



Lavender Teabags










8 février 2013

Tiny update :)


Happy Friday my lovelies!!!

Plus que quelques heures avant le week end!!!

Je fais une pause dans mon "40 days plan" là, histoire de me récompenser moi-même pour tout le boulot abattu (c'est prévu dans la liste, sisi :D), pas mal nan ?!?

Du coup j'ai créé une variante de mes porte-clés nuages, les mêmes, mais en Fuwari Fuwari de Nani Iro et j'ai étrenné mes nouvelles étiquettes (les mêmes mais avec la police rose, me suis gourée en commandant, pas grave ça me fera une variante o_O <-- faire contre mauvaise fortune, bon coeur ;)

Ils vous plaisent? Chaque porte-clé est une pièce unique, étant donné que les graphismes sur le tissus sont très irrégulièrement réparti (Fuwari Fuwari quoi! ;)) il n'y en a pas deux identiques!

J'adore Nani Iro, particulièrement Fuwari Fuwari, particulièrement celui là, qui n'est plus disponible car il fait partie d'une ancienne collection (2011 ou 2012, sais plus ;)), donc, de ce fait, par là même, du coup, je les adore ces porte-clés <3 <-- On est jamais mieux servie que par moi-même :D

Il n'y en aura donc pas beaucoup, de cette couleur, mais je réfléchi déjà à mon prochain Fuwari Fuwari :)

Allez je vous montre...


FF Cloud krings

FF cloud krings 2

"Among the Clouds" Key Ring,en Fuwari Fuwari de Nani Iro, garni pure laine.

1/2 Recto.


FF cloud Krings 3

1/2 Verso.



2/2 Recto.




2/2 Verso.


FF clouds key rings 4



Voilà les amis, retrouvez-les dans le Shop, dès tout de suite ;)

Vous avez prévu quoi de beau today ?!?

Moi j'ai ménage et repassage :( Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii o_O

Allez, des gros bisoussss et à très bientôt <3


See ya!!


4 février 2013

DIY Homemade Body Sugar Scrub



Hello my lovelies!!! 

How are you doing?! Hope you all had a great week end and enjoyed your time :)

I did ;)


Today, I'll share some beauty recipe with you :) Yeah!!! Some "me" time for you all, sweeties!! ;)

I found it on...(say it with me again!! :)) Pinterest, of course :)

Remember I told you in my last post that I was going to make some homemade body scrub with the kiddos (as it is "easy as 1,2,3 and as simple as love can be lol ;)) why the heck did I write that o_O ?!?  well, I did it, and better, I tried it for you to know if it was worth it ;)

So, here we go for the recipe and some pics, and I'll tell ya more about it then.

It's a Lime & Coconut  sugar scrub.Yummy :) 

The recipe is from here, I can't get any credit for that, unfortunately :) 


All you need is :


-1/2 cup of coconut oil.

-1 1/4 cup of sugar (the one you have in your pantry).

- 3 Tbsp Lime or Lemon juce (I used fresh lime juice)

And that's all :) Mix the coconut oil with sugar, then add the lime juice, mix again.You're done :)

I tell ya!


It smells yummy, it tastes yummy (kiddos tried it lol ;)) and it's heaven on earth to use it, even after!!

You just have to store it in the fridge because coconut oil is an oil :) And it solidifies under a certain temp,while it's a bit more oily at room temp.







To tell you a bit more about it, I 'd say it feels like it's Paradise Island in your bath :)

And it works pretty well!! Lime and sugar together are genius for the scrub to remove easily dead skins cells!

It leaves your body with a baby skin, literally, smoothie :) It's coconut oil ;) It also leaves your skin with a yummy smell, coconut again :)

Plus, my man tried it also and loved it as well!! 

If you add the fact that it's a cheap-y beauty recipe you can use for the all family = BINGO!!

Following the "Don't change what works" thing, It's already a keeper in our house


Thank's to Amy from NEW NOSTALGIAfor sharing such a good recipe

Hope you'll like it and try it friends, let me know what you think!!

I'm off for a bath now, haha ;D


See ya!!!


**Follow me on Pinterest ** ;) 

31 janvier 2013

Home Sweet Home.




Hi there!!

It's me!!! Again!! :D


Fridge cleaning is all done, yeah!!!

Today I'll dig into Adults Books and Kitchen Cookbooks & Recipes and then it will be handmade scrub making time with the kiddos (I live a glamourous life, I know :D Haha), but I wanted to show you some last makes before starting my working day ;)

House pillows :) I made those 3 for the moment, but I will create a bigger size as well, and they will also be available in different fabrics.

My inspiration came with these I spotted on Pinterest a while ago.I'm in love with them, seriously, aren't they adorable?! <3 

I just had to make them :)

They're approximately 35 cm high, 20 cm wide, are made of silvered milk linnen (roof) and France Duval Stalla  light pink & silver stars cotton.

They're filled with natural organic lambswool from here.

These cutties would be perfect for kids room, paired with a bigger one on the bed, or just on a chair, to keep it comfortable and cheerful :)

Two of them will be available in the shop along the day, as the other one has already found and reached it's home :)


Let me show you some more pics...








What do you think friends? Please, let me know ;)

Can't help myself but love them <3


I'm off for today, have yourself a fine little day my lovelies and take gentle care :)

See ya!!!



30 janvier 2013

Deep into the "40 days Plan"...



Hey!! Friends :)

How are you lately?!? 

I know, I know're probably wondering why the heck it's been too quite here for that long.You could hear crickets, right?! ;)

Well, I'll tell ya :)

If you're following me on Facebook, you probably already have an idea ;)

A few days ago, I posted a status saying that I was in a decluttering home process and wanted to tell you more about it.

Some of you lovely readers may want to do this at your home for a long time and were probably discouraged by the amount of work/time it would probably take, by the general mess that it causes all around and the list goes on...

I usually declutter my home during each pregnancy :) I know you know what I mean...nesting and all ;) As my younger little dude turned 3 in november, it was time friends, believe me!

I was just waiting for the perfect timing, and here it came!! 

The other day, I was wandering on Pinterest and found this.Priceless.

Not that I couldn't have thought about it by myself, but here it was, all done for me just to follow gently, and actually it was the kick in the butt that I needed to tackle this BIG PLAN :)




In a few words, a cute organized lady had made a "40 days plan for a less cluttered home" and shared it on her blog.

Everyday,for 30 minutes per day, more if you feel like you could climb mountains but at least 30 minutes a day, you gotta declutter your home from the bottom to the roof, following a simple pdf file guide that this gorgeous lady made for her own home and shared for the world to know, and asking yourself 3 simple questions each time you are hesitating about getting rid of something:

- Is it useful ?

- Is it beautiful ?

- Is it worth the space it takes keeping it in my home?


Pretty easy, as you just have to tackle a few things each day, it doesn't sound like a pain in the ass, and it works!!

I started about two weeks ago, and even if first, I thought I would gently follow the guide, the fact is I did more than 30 minutes each day just because when I was in the cleaning madness, I felt like I could do a little more. I only stopped when I was starting to get bored as I didn't wanted it to take forever (for me 40 days sounds like forever lol ;)) but I didn't wanted to discourage myself so I didn't do too much at a time.

So, here we are,here is the pdf file guide, and about two weeks later, I'm left with that:


- Kitchen cupboards.All cupboards with eating dishes (plates,glasses,china,wine glasses) etc... --> need to hang up two long shelves to remove eating dishes from kitchen dresser to shelves,and then remove the kitchen dresser.

- Kitchen cookbooks & recipes --> same thing.

- Decorative items in living areas --> All done except the living room.

- Adult Books-Day 1 --> Already started.

- Adult books-Day 2 or fridge cleaning if you don't need a day two --> today's show :D As I don't really need two days for adult books,I decided that it was fridge cleaning day today ;)

- Furniture --> Kitchen buffet (again!!)

- Craft or sewing supplies --> What a part!!! Haha :D I need at least 10 days!! 

- Garage Day-Day 1 --> nothing done,and friends, it's such a mess that i could just die thinking about it all.

- Garage Day-Day 2 --> Highly needed ;D

- Balcony Day.

- One more day to put online things I want to sell.

- One more day to get rid of the kitchen dresser (it has already found a new home ;)).




And I'll be done!!! 12 more days!! That means that I've done a 28 days' job in only 15 or 16 days!! Yeahh!! :D

I'm so happy, it feels so good to know what you exactly own, to know that you have no more mess or items that you don't really need.

It feels so good to have LESS.


So if you're in mood for a home decluttering  process sweet friends, I highly recommend you Stephanie's guide @ Keeper of the Home ;)

Now I'm off for a fridge cleaning, what are YOU, lovely bunch, up to today?!?

I'd love to hear about you!!!

Wish you all a wonderful day ;)


See ya!!!


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